True Path of Liberty and Justice. Hon'ble Dr. M. B. Niyogi.
Chief Justice, Nagpur High Court. The Jain thought ie of high antiquity. The moth of its being an off-shoot of Hinduism or Buddbism has now been exploded by recent historical researcbes. The Ratan Traya of the Jain thinkers is the trae path towards Liberty and Justice. The Apekanta-vada or the Syada-vada stands unique in the world's thought. The teachings of Jainism will be found on analysis to be as modern as they are ancient. The Jaio teachers were the first and foremost in the history of human thought to propound the principle of Abinga. -Jain Shasan (Bhartiya Gian Pith) Foreword P. 7--18
Reign of peace Jainism has given Hon'ble Justice N.C. Chatterji
Gandhi Calcutta High-Court. Honble P.N. Sapru. Allahabad, If the message of
The Jain commu. Lord Mabavira is nity has given to this followed by all, there country the greatest would be a reign of
leader and reformer peace and all causes
Gandbi, Iu a maof unrest in the world terialistic world will be speedily
the spiritual teachings removed.
of Jainism has an
im mense value. Short Studies on China
-Vis, Delhi ( 29.5-1943) And India. P. 148,
P. 58. [ 172