Way of Peace and Happiness
His Excellency General K. M. Cariappa
The Commander-in-chief sends you his very best wishes and hopes that your work on Lord Mahavira's life will be a success with high dividends in obtaining peace and happiness of humanity in this world.
-Letter No 34/C-in-C 5th. Sep.1950.
Mahavira's Teachings.
Necessary for Good-Life. Honble Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Shri K.M. Cariappa
Ahinsa is a basic
necessity for a good life for individual, commu. nity, nation and world. Without it, there can be neither contentment nor prosperity, nor peace
--VoA Vol. II P. 92
Usefull for all Times
Mrs, Lila Wati Munshi
sandesh of Bhagwan Mahavira is useful for all times, specially in these days, when the world is divi ded into warring camps, -Mahavir Sandesh Jaipur (25th May, 1947) P. 4
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