of these confederate kings and of equal power with them. In addition to this, his power was checked by the constitutin of Vesali. So we are enabled to understand why the Buddhists took no notice of him, as his influence was not very great, and besides, was used in the interest of their rivals. But the Gainas cherished the memory of the maternal uncle and patron of their prophet, to whose influence we must attribute the fact, that Vaisali used to be a stronghold of Gainism, while being looked upon by the Buddhists as a seminary of heresies and dissent.
see Olcnberg's edition PP 231.232. the translation, P 104 sey of the second part Sacred Books of te Last Vol vyn 2 The paysages in which the Nardas occur seen to have been misunderstood by the commentator and the modern translators Rhys Davids in his translation of the Mahaparımıhhana-Sutta (Sacred Hooks of the East vol xa) says and note P 24 At first Nadikan (ce) spoken of in the plural number hul then
third in the clause, in the singolar Buddhaghosa explains this by saying that there were two villages of the same name on the shore of the same piece of water * The plural Nauka denotes in my opinion, the Kshatriyas the singular is the adjective specalving Congakavasatha, which occurs in the first mention of the place in the Malapariibbana-Sulta and in the Mahavaga VI. 10 5 and must be suppled in the former book wherever Nadika is used in the singular I think the form Nadika is wrong and Natika the spelling of the Mahavagga is connect Mr Rhys Davids is also mistaken in saving in the index to his translation Nadika mere Painats apparent from the narative in the Mahavagga that the place in question as well as Kouiggama was near Vesal
Weber Indische Studien. VI. p 362
1 See Kalpa Sutra m edition, p 111 Ketaka is called the maternal unck of Mahavira
2 Aala Sutra Ines of the Coannas. 110. Aharanga Sutra 11.15 15
Turnour in the Journal of the Ronal As Sac of Bengal VIP 992
4 ld Warren P 27
Shala Sutra Ines of the Cons
१५. इहेव भरहेवासे पुव्वदेसे। विदेहे नाम जनवओ संपइकाले तिरहुत्तिदेसो ति भण्णा । महिला नाम नयरी होत्या । संपय जमई त्ति प्रसिद्धा । (जिनप्रभ तीर्थ कल्प) (४) तीरक्त्युपरिकाधिकरणस्य । (५) तीरभक्तौ विनयस्थिति स्थापिकाधिकरणस्य ( ६ ) तीरकमारापत्याधिकरणस्य । वैशाल्याधिष्ठानाधिकरण (वैशाली मे मिली हुई मुद्राए वैशाली पृष्ठ १६ )
१६. वज्जी संघ, विदेहीपत्र. आठसघ, वैशाली वज्जीसंघ की राजधानी थी। अजातशत्र को वेदेहीपुत्र कहा जाता था। क्योंकि उस की माता विदेह की राजकन्या थी। मिथिला विदेह की राजधानी थी। बुद्ध के समय वज्जीसंघ आठ प्रमुख संघों में से एक था।
१७. चीनीयात्री फाहियान यात्रा (वैशाली पृष्ठ १९ )
१८. इस पाठ में विदेह का कोई उल्लेख नहीं है। विजयेन्द्र सूरि ने भगवान का जन्म विदेह जनपद में हुआ था इसकी पुष्टि के लिये अपनी कल्पना मात्र से लिख कर अनुचित प्रयोग करके अक्षम्य चेष्टा की है।
Jaivism in Bihar म १३-१४.
१९. P. C. Roy choudhary दिगम्बर त्रैमासिक जैनसिद्धान्तभास्कर हिन्दी-आरा बिहार भाग १० किरण २ पृ० ३० ( भगवान महावीर का जन्मस्थान नालंदा से दो मील की दूरी पर।
२०. सन्निवेश का अर्थ नगर के बाहर का प्रदेश जहां अमराव बगैरह लोग रहते हैं. गांव. नगर आदि स्थान यात्रियों आदि का डेरा, मार्गस्थान, पड़ाव (पाइल-सद्द महण्णवो कोष)