1. (Gist of September Issue) p. 71. Mr. K. P. Jain have shown that the observance of Ahinsā
do not deprives a Jain follower of the use of his manly power. Many a illustrations from the Jain Literature and inscriptions are given, showing the chivalrous deeds of the Jain heroes. It was due to disunion and discord
between themselves that Indians lost their independence. p. 78. Pt. K. B. Shastri objects that Vadıbhsingh was a contem
porary of Akalanka. p. 88. A readable note on Apabhrams literature is given. 93. Pt. Nemichandra discusses the astronomical definitions of
Sri Nemichandracharya. p. 110. Pt. K. B. Shastri describes the antiquities at Kopaña. p. 113. Pt. Parmanānd gives a glimpse of the life and works of
Sri Vadiraja.
2. (Gist of 'Bhāskara ' for Dec. 1939.) p. 137. Pt. K. B. Shastri discusses the problem of the multi-hus
bands and the story of Draupadi and concludes that
Draupadi was in fact married to Arjun only. p. 147. Sj. Agarchand Nahta objects the theory of Pāvāgaph being
originally a Digambara Jain Tirtha ; but the rejoinder
of Premiji speaks otherwise. p. 155. Prof. Hiralal Jain describes the Apabhramsa work " Anuv
rata Ratna Pradipa" by Lakkhana belonging to the
13th century A. D. p. 178. K. P. Jain has collected and given available information
abou* Girnar and its history.