[Vol. V
Patience, kindness, impartiality, disinterestedness, spirituality, and humality, are other aspects of Ahimsa which make for social peace and social celebrity. Such qualities are revered, in a sage like Mallisehna Of him it is said: "In whom unequalled patience rejoices, in whom kindness
knows no limit, whom impartiality loves, whom absence of desire desires, through love loving salvation, though in his own esteem low, yet the head of yogis, by his character an acharya......see Mallishena muni...... him let
us reverence' Honour, liberality, sympathy, are another cluster of ideas grouping round Ahimsa as a positive force in active life and these are reverenced in another sage thus “A fire to the forest of family cares, a sun to the lotus of
the Bhavajas (Jains), the summit of uplifted honour, the cow of plenty in restoring wealth, remover of the sorrows of those in the power of the ememies sin and ignorance, is Sritamuni, chief Suri, pure in morals, untarnished by woman"
We find from these and such passages that “purity" or "celebacy" is another aspect of Ahimsa, for "impurity " is the himsa of Atma or self.