aside the superficial caste-colour-creed distinctions, this single sincerely utilised day shall undoubtedly bear ever-lasting and priceless fruits.
Nirvana Day In view of the fact that the Gospel of Universal Brotherhood was first propounded and perfectly practised by Lord Mahavira (the 24th prophet of Jain Faith, who flourished 600 years before Lord Christ was born and who, was the senior contemporary of Lord Buddha, it is reasonable that Lord Mahavira's "Nirvana”, 1.e., Liberation Day is fixed to commemorate the said ideal. It is interesting to note that this Liberation Day is being observed with due ceremonies and eclat in the month of October by all the inhabitants of India by kindling several lamps thereby symbolising inner illumination as well. This occasion is the Diwal festival. It is further suggested that the 30th of January every year is also worthy of being observed as an International Holiday, when the Hero of Universal Brother-hood and harbinger of love and peace was martyred. World opinion expressed on the demise of Mahatma Gandhi fully justifies the above point.”