जैनशासन इस प्रसगमे बबई हाईकोर्ट के न्यायमूर्ति रांगलेकरका यह निर्णय भी महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रतीत होता है कि-"यह सत्य है कि जैन लोग वेदोको अपना धर्मग्रंथ नही मानते। ब्राह्मणधर्मके समान वे मृतके क्रिया कर्म, श्राद्ध एव स्वर्गीय व्यक्तिके लिए नैवेद्य अर्पण करनेकी वातको स्वीकार नही करते है। उनकी यह भी धारणा है कि औरस अथवा दत्तकपुत्रसे पिताकी आत्माको कोई भी आत्मीय श्रेय नही प्राप्त होता। वे ब्राह्मणधर्मवाले हिन्दुओसे मृत व्यक्तिके शरीर-दाह अथवा गडानेके सिवाय अन्य क्रियाकाण्ड न करनेके कारण पृथक् है। आधुनिक ऐतिहासिक
? "It is true the Jains reject the scriptural character of the Vedas and repudiate the Brahmanical doctrines relating to obsequial ceremonies, the performance of Shradhas and the offering of oblations for the salvation of the soul of the deceased Amongst them there is no belief that a son by birth or adoption confers spiritual benefit on the father They also differ from the Brahminical Hindus in their conduct towards the dead, omitting all obsequies after the corpse is burnt or buried Now it is true as later historical researches have shown that Jainism prevailed in this country long before Brahminism came into existence or converted into Hinduism It is also true that owing to their long association with the Hindus, who formed the majority in the country, the Jains have adopted many of the customs and even ceremonies strictly observed by the Hindus and pertaining to Brahminical religion."
Mr. Justice Rangrekar Bom. High Court, A I R. 1939. Bom 377.