Advitiyam, which stands for that unity which absorbs all diverse unities within itself. That is real I, the Universal I. Being transcendental, it cannot be an object of cognition. Its presence in consciousness can be experienced only in ethical life. That really constitutes the foundation of virtues such as benevolence, sympathy, charity and compassion, which have their seate in the Heart. Hence the universal I, the Atma is regarded as residing in the Heart. Samyak Darshan means that the "I felt in the heart, and not that functioning in the Head is the real I”. The action backed and permeated by this feeling embodies the moral values which elevate the individual. The same idea underlies the description of the Vijnan Purush Occuring in the Brahmanand Valli of the Taittırıya Upanishad in these words. Tasya Shradhaiva Shirah, Ritam Daxina Pakshah, Satyam Uttarah Pakshah, Yoga Atma, Mahah Puchham Pratishta. The Ratna Traya of the Jain thinkers is the true path towards Liberty and Justice, and not the power-politics which masquerades in the world today under the label of Secular Religion such as Democracy or Communism.
The right way to look at the problem of