On these premises they inculcated training of the mind as pre-requisite to the life of reason. They conceived progress in terms of perfection of the inner man.
What is the idea of Progress in the modern world? As Toynbee has said, it means advance in intellectual efficiency and the technic of research which helps the process of the . improvement of the breed of man and the acquisition of the command on the blind forces of nature. This conception of progress has brought mankind to a stage where Competition. and Struggle rule the day, with war and carnage loomig ahead.
What is the remedy? The remedy may perhaps be found on a review of the chart of life as conceived by man from time to time.
From the dawn of civilisation there have been two points of view on the problem of human existence-one was purely terrestrial [this-worldly) as propounded by Brihaspati and Charvak-the forerunners of the modern materialism, and the other was purely transcedental (other-worldly) as taught by all the great religions of the world--with their emphasis on God, Heaven and Hell. The first is