[7] one which is presented to the public just now. He lived in the 17th Century A. D.* .
II 'The present edition of Atmatattvaviveka with its cominentaries is based upon the following Mss. and printed works :
MANUSCRIPTS a) Text(i) Ms. marked as goo go. It belongs to the family
collection of the great Naiyāyika of Benares, viz. Mahādeva Puntainkar. It is carefully corrected and bears marks of correction from the pen of Mahādeva himself. The Ms. is not dated, but is
apparently of an earlier age than Puntamkar. (ii) Ms. belonging to P. Babu Diksita Jade. Generally
correct. It is dated Samvat 1774 or 1717 A. D. सम्वत् १७७४ ज्येष्ठ शु० १० गुरुवार.
b) Didhiti by Raghunātha - (i) Ms marked as goo go, belonging to Puntamkar
Library. It is generally free from error. Leaves 1-11 missing. The date of transcription is Samvat 1672 or S'aka 1538 (= 1616 A. D.) 375107: 8836
371917 Go P8 HÀ saa €12. (ii) Ms belonging to P.Laksmīdhara Pant Dharma
dhikāri. It is correct, but contains only 88 leaves.
e) Kalpalatā by Sankara Mis'ra(i) Ms. belonging to Puntamkar Collection. It is
partly correct. (ii) Ms. lent out by P. Gopāla Bhatta. Seript Bengali.
The Ms, is not dated but is apparently very old. . d) Tippaņi by S'rīrāma Tarkālankāra
* For fuller particulars rogarding these authors see the present writer's "History and Bibliography of Ngāya Vais'oşika Literaturo" in the 'Sarasvati Bhavana Studies' Vols. III and IV. 'in