This edition of Hemacandra's Desināmamālā is based on the following two MSS. secured by Pandit Hara Govinda Das T. Seth.
A. A. MSS. from Bhavnagar Jaina Sangha Bhandar obtained through Seth Kuvarji Anandji. Folios 79..
It contains the text and commentary of Hemacandra's Desinamamala and was copied in Samvat 1658 by Sri Jina Candra Sūri in Rajanagara (Ahmedabad) as the following extract will show :. संवत् १६५८ वर्षे थोराजनगरे श्रीखरतर गच्छे । श्रौजिनभद्रसूरि श्रोजिनचंद्रसूरि श्रोजिनसमुद्रसूरि श्रोजिनहंससूरि पट्ट पूर्वाचल चूलिका लब्धारसार सहस्रकरावतार श्रीजिन माणिक्य सूरि पट्टे युगप्रधान श्रीजिनचंद्र सूरिभिः श्रीहेमदेशोनाममाला-सुत्रवृत्तिश्चालेखिषाताम् ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ ..
___B.. A Mss. from Patan Bhandar, Gujrat, obtained through Pannyas Sri Bhakitvijayji. Folios 72.
It was copied in Samvat 1660 by Krishnadas at Sāli as will be seen from the following extract :... संवत् १६६० वर्षे शावणवदि ५ तथै वार भोमे लक्षतं साली वास्तव्यं मृढ़जातीय लक्षतं पंडया नारायणिसुत कृष्णदास। शुभं भवतु। कल्याणमस्तु ।' औरस्त ॥ . C. Pischel's Edition of 1880. In the foot-notes to the Text the readings of Pischel's Edition are marked by o and wherever they have seemed preferable to the readings of MSS. A and B they have been adopted in the Text.