DEŠINĀMAMĀLĀ cuously in the modern Indo-Aryan Vernaculars-long after the Dravidians had migrated to the Southern Peninsula has not been answered either by Mr. Collins or Mr. Majumdar. Moreover why the agglutinated elements as soon as they are joined to the roots and bases of the modern Indo-Aryan vernaculars are changed into suffixes and some times add new suffixes to them showing thereby the inflexional character of these languages unaffected by the incorporation of these elements has not yet been explained by the advocates of Dravidian influence on these Aryan Vernaculars,
Dr. Suniti Kumar Chatterji in "The Origin and Development of the Bengali Language” (Calcutta, 1926) is more discriminating in adopting the view of the Dravidian substratum in the modern Indo-Aryan vernaculars. He suggests that the dative suffix 'ke' of Bengali can be either ‘ksta' or 'kaksa' in the locative. It is not unlikely that the two postpositional words have converged into this one form. In the plural of the dative ut SCP (to them) we can see that an analysis into tasya+ādi+Kera + Kakşe or into+Krte' is equally possible. Thus he derives the suffix 'Ke' from both or either of the two Aryan words 'Kște' and 'Kakşe' and not form the Dravidian 'Ku.'
Again he remarks, "The case suffixes and post positions are placed after the noun of multitude agglutinated and this system has its parallel in the agglutinative system of Dravidian, e. g., atentie (to men) cf. Tamil 'manindangalukku.' Here of course we have only a fortuitous resemblance, there being no genetic connection between the very late Indo-Aryan ‘gula-ke' and the Dravidian 'gal-ukku." 2
1 S. K. Chatterji, "The Origin and Development of the Bengali Language," Vol. II, pp. 61-762.
2 Ibid., Vol II, p. 733.