Ciram Titthatu Saddhammo!
May the Truth-based Dhamma
Endure for A Long Time !
“Doeme, Bbikebabe, Dhamma saddhammassa thitiyā asammosāya anantaradhānāya samvattanti. Katame dve? Sunikkhittañca padabyanjanam attho ca sunito. Sunikkbitassa, Bhikkbaoe, padabyañjanassa atthopi sunayo boti.”
"There are two things, O monks, which A. N. 1. 2. 21, Adhikaraṇavagga make the Truth-based Dhamma endure
for a long time, without any distortion and without (fear of) eclipse. Which two? Proper placement of words and their natural interpretation. Words properly placed help also in their natural interpretation.”
...ye vo mayā dhammă abhiññā desitā, tattha sabbebeva sangamma samāgamma atthena attham byañjanena byañjanam sangāyitabbam na vivaditabbam, yathayidam brahmacariyam addhaniyam assa ciratthitikam... ...the dhammas (truths) which I have D. N. 3.177, Pasädikasutta
a taught to you after realizing them with my super-knowledge, should be recited by all, in concert and without dissension, in a uniform version collating meaning with meaning and wording with wording. In this way, this teaching with pure practice will last long and endure for a long time...
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