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Digha Nikāya expeditiously available to them. The rest of the Tipitaka will be published in the same way.
14. References from the V.R.I. edition. All references given are from thetexts of the Vipassana Research Institute edition. First, there is the abridged name of the text (e.g., D.N. for Digha Nikāya); it is followed by the volume number and the paragraph number. Where paragraph numbers are not continuous, there the title/sub-title or their number, etc. are indicated before the paragraph number. For example, in the Samyutta Nikāya, there are the names of the text, volume, the number of the vagga and the number of the paragraph. In the same way, for the Anguttara Nikāya, there are the names of the text, volume, nipāta and paragraph number. In texts (such as the Dhammapada, etc.) which abound in verses, the verse numbers are given instead of paragraph numbers.
Present Text
The present volume is the Sīlakkhandhavagga-pāļi : the first of the three volumes of the Digha Nikāya, the first nikāya of the Sutta Pitaka.
We sincerely hope that this publication will provide immense benefit to the practitioners of Vipassana as well as to research scholars.
Director, Vipassana Research Institute,
Igatpuri, India.
Jain Education International
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