महावीर वाणी
धम्मो मंगलमुक्किट्ठ अहिंसा संजमो तवो। देवा वि तं नमसंति जस्स धम्मे सया मणो॥1॥ Religion is supremely auspicious; non-violence, selfcontrol and penance are its essentials. Even the gods bow down before him whose mind is ever preoccupied with religion.
जयं चरे जयं चिट्ठे जयमासे जयं सए। जयं भुंजंतो भासंतो पावं कम्मं ण बंधइ॥2॥ A person who moves cautiously, stands cautiously, sits cautiously, sleeps cautiously, eats cautiously and speaks cautiously would not be bounded by the evil karmas.
खम्मामि सव्व जीवाणं सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे। मित्ती मे सव्व भूदेसु बैरं मज्झं ण केण वि॥3॥ I forgive all living beings forgive me; I cherish feeling of friendship towards all and I harbor enmity towards none.