150., avoided by suitors, neglected
by wooers.
155. जमाली is a prince and son-in-law of महावीर. We get a detailed account of this जमाली in भगवती, ix. 33.
160. सरीरपाओसिया, a lady who thinks that every part of the body is impure, and would not accept even a seat without sprinking water over it. Washing the body or anything with water is prohibited for monks and nuns in Jainism.
166. गयणयलमणुलिहन्तसिहरे, with its peaks touching the sky. 4, strong in the three worlds. 171. qarqeir areì, gifts in fifty as they were in eights in the case of महाबल.
172. दसधणू, ten धणुs, i.e. forty cubits in height 174 पुरिसवग्गुरापरिक्खित्ता, encricled by a network (arg) of men.
115. उध्दव्व माहिं, i. e. उध्दूयमानैं; being shaken. 184 दम्भसंथा रोवगए, seated on a matting of दर्भ
188 पगइभद्द well disposed by nature (प्रकृति)
189. जस्सठ्ठाए कीरइ नग्गभावे... तमठ्ठे आराहेर, he realised that object (emancipation) for the sake of which men practise the mode of life peculiar to Jain monks such as a etc. Monks bear all the hardships in order to attain emancipation. चरिमेहिं उस्सासfarraf, with the last breath.
190. eft, neither more nor less.