111. Perghi, leaving the house, renouncing the world to lead the life of an ascetic.
118. पुरिससहस्सबाहिणि सीयं, a palanquin carried by thousand men.
120. i ste, plucking out five handfuls of hair. I etc. The lady renouncing the world is made to declare that she is disgusted with the world and is prepared to leave it as a house on fire. देवाणन्दा is mentioned in भगवती, ix.33.
122. एयरस ठाणस्स आलोएहि, make a confession of this sin.
125. raeyr etc. As sher indulged in fondling children of others, she naturally neglected her duties as a nun.
129. awaqiaar is explained by commentators as faster, learned, educated, and RHET, matured to enjoy pleasures (171). Tatiaar, to be carefully handled like earthen pots for oil. The commentator says & DrTETET rydort
Graf :. It appears that this pot has no good bottom and hence it is difficult to keep it steady. FT U ......tarakt 969, let not cold......and various ailments overcome her.
131. एगप्पहारपडिएहिं, children deserving to die or fall (fwa) at one stroke.
136.731 TOT Tot seems to be a quotation from silugaan 56.5.
138. Now this ath was born as god fry and was destined to attain Nirvāṇa in the next birth.