ied to consult his step-brothers. When they agreed on condition that each one should get an equal share of the kingdom, itu achieved his object and got himself crowned.
36. og date qer, to salute the feet of queen an. Wo is explained by commentators as 1997. The etymology of the word is doubtful.As regards meaning we find it sometimes used for 'immediately, quickly,' and sometimes 'at that very place' ( ). In the present passage, it would seem 'immediately,' as fure seems to be foolish enough to call upon his mother immediately after the imprisonment of his father. झियायमाणि पासइ, कृणिय saw that queen gut did not receive him well; she told him that she could not take any delight in the coronation of her son gura, in as much as fue imprisoned his father and her husband. Tout, your revered father ( +1671). BUTTETOTETTU, filled with deep -affection and love. घाएउकामे णं अम्मो मम सेणिए राया eto..
fust explains to his mother why he imprisoned his father. He said, king love wanted to kill him, to imprison him or at least banish him. ut, however, assures her son that his fears were groundless and narrates to him how I saved aiure's life.
37. fuq now shows repentance and proceeds to release king èiure from the prison. He took an axe with him to cut off the (wooden) fetters of his father, but who feared that for might have still more wicked motive at heart. TATOT, by some ignominious way of killing (+#17, i.e., Feat T
art:). Noget is a kind of deadly poison which brings about instnntaneous death,