operation on the king's belly, he feigned to make the operation, cut the flesh into small pieces, put them on a plate. The king showed that he fainted for a while, but that he became all right a few moments later. Then the prince presented the flesh to OT who had her longings thus fulfilled.
30. तसेय खलु etc. Queen चेल्लणा thought that the child in the womb must be very wicked as it produced a desire in her to devour the flesh of its father ; that the child did not deserve to see the light of the day; and hence she tried to secure abortion by some medicaments. She failed to achieve the object. जाहे means यदा, when. अट्टवसदुहट्टा, unhappy (agt), miserable (Tezi) and distressed ( t); the commentary on SAIETGFTTT explains the expression as follows:-BIT ala TTET UT SCT STY: GATT वशः पारतन्त्र्यं तेनार्तः, अथवा आर्तेन दुःखातः, आतंदुःखातः, तथा वन विषयपारतन्न्येण ऋतः परिगतः वशातः ततः कर्मधारयः.
31. Queen E feared, on account of the strange longings that she had during her pregnancy that the child, when it grows, would ruin the whole family. So she wanted to abandon the child at one end. igat is the reading adopted here against the two others noted. The word may be traced to Sk. 3ht with the affix ; it is thus just likely that there may be a double in the body of the word. But the presence of two gs does not justify: any Sanskrit origin for the word. Compare face in Marathi. Tezet, a slave-girl.com, brightened, illumined. The grove was brightened by the lustre of the child.