the pious people in crowds go to see them. They preach a discourse on some religions topic to these people, who, after listening, return home. The phrases great faTaT and the two followinging refer to this practice mentioned in Jain canonical literature.
3. समचउरंससंठाणसंठिए, one whose संठाण,i. e. figure or body, was symmetrical (-) and well built tota or round. संखित्तविउलतेउलेस्से, the pupil of अजसुहम्म is here said to have acquired a concentrated, strong, fiery force as a reward of his penance. This force is said to be capable of burning to ashes objects situated at a long distance (fago), though it is compressed (THA) in his physical body. AT, sur is a taint. The Jains hold that a man's acts leave on him some impressions; these impressions are lasting. As a result of these impressions, the man's soul is tainted with several colours, six in number, from black to white, black being considered as bad and white the best. Ther, thus, can be regarded as a psychic force represented by the colour which is the effect of one's acts. $19 , with a curiosity or desire to know. 59kti, the plural denotes the group of the last five 391FS.
6. g as etc. are the names of the different अज्झयणs or lessons or chapters of निरयावली; they are So called because these 34707s narrate the stories of ls, ara etc., the step-brothers of Eive.
8. furesh g uru daig 37975 etc. King à sua had several wives of whom 18 is styled as aat, the chief queen, and others as ar or Huf, wives. The BITEZE ,in chapter 7, mentions thirteen, and