the 56th. So the work must be in 56 chapters But I could collect from these manuscripts only 54 chapters. The missing two chapters should be sought in some manuscripts yet to be found. From my perusal of the work, I am able to say that they should relate to Nashta Jataka.
The author Kalyanavarman appears to have flourished between the ages of Varahamihira and Bhattotpala. The style of the work is chaste and flowing. The information is certainly more copious and valuable than can be found in any of the current astrological works.
To such of us as believe in the doctrine os metempsy. chosis, astrology is irresistibly attractive. For, by its aid, we can trace our condition in our past births. It reveals to us the forces that help or retard our progress hereafter and enables us to estimate with some precision the amount of exertion to be put forth to attain the summumbonum of life.
Being but a learner in astrology, I am unable to treat of the subject adequately. If the stray remarks that I have made will create an interest in the work now presented to the public and make it widely read, I would feel amply rewarded for my trouble. Chamarajendrapete, Bangalore City.
V. Subrahmanya Sastri. 15th February 1707.
The publication of the Brihat Jataka with my translation and Notes, the printing of which is now practically complete and which will shortly be issued has been of great help to me in revising this work and making the present edition more complete. Gavipur Extension,
Basavangudi. Bangalore City.
V. Subrahmanya Sastri, 1st January 1928.
Aho ! Shrutgyanam