It was in tlie course of my study of Jatakaparijata five years ago that I became aware of the existence of the standard work on Astrology called Saravali. Vaidyanatha Dikshita, the learned compiler of Jatakaparijata expressly states that his astrological production is but an epitome of this great work. For he says:--ŠTE FITIZIE मुख्यतन करोम्यहं जातकपारिजातम् ॥
In my attempts to make out the ambiguous portion of certain slokas in Jatakaparijata, I had to refer to Brihat Jataka and its commentary by Bhattotpala to decide upon the right interpretation of the dubious passages. I found that Bhattotpala who lived in the time of Emperor Jehangir supported his explanations of the passages in Varahamihira's work by largely quoting from Saravali, because its authority on astrological points was undisputedly acknowledged in his time. Balabhadra who lived as a Court astrologer of Shah Shuja has embodied nearly one half of Saravali in his work entitled Horaratna; for almost in every page, he says:--a91 T FETAI (the author of Saravali). Mallinatha, the celebrated commentator mentions Kalyanavarman and Varahamihira giving quotations from their works Saravali and Brihat Jataka to explain certain astrological references in the Sisupalavadha Kavya of Magha. These facts made me long for a copy of the eminent work in order to improve my knowledge of Astrology. I wrote to several well-known booksellers, but could not get any copy of the work-Manuscript cr printed-from them. At last, it was my good fortune to get a loan of imperfect manuscripts of this work from the Government Oriental Library, Mysore, from Mr. Pandit Krishniengar of the Native College, Madura, from Mr. Narasimha Sastrial of Kankanhalli (Bangalore District) and from the Palace Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore. And I take this opportunity of expressing my deep indebtedness to them all. From these four manuscripts I was able to piece out nearly the whole work. For in the colophon of the Kankanhalli manuscript, the last chapter is numbered
Aho ! Shrutgyanam