( 133 ) Singular.
Plural. एकवचनं
वहुवचनं प्र. पु (3rd per.) hi-i
hinti, hinte, hire (हिंदू)
(हिन्ति, हिन्ते, हिरे) म. पु (2nd per.) hisi
hitha, hiha (हिसि)
(हित्थ हिद) उ. पु. (1st per.) himi, hami, ssami, or ssam hissa, hiha.
(हिमि, हामि, स्मामि, स्मम् हिस्सा, हिहा (१)
भविष्यति धातु रूपाणि । The conjugation of the roots in the future.
भ्र धातु रूपाणि। Singular.
Plural. एकवचनं
वहुवचनं (होहिद, (भवि- (होहिन्ति, दूतादि (भविप्र. पु. (3rd per.)
व्यतिभविता वा) (व्यन्ति, भवितारो वा) (१) । शौरसेन्या भविष्यदर्थ प्रत्यये परे सिसर्भवति । स इति कल्प लतिका। In the sauraseni the syllable ssi is used after roots in the future, according to kalpalatika. ssa is used instead of ssi ; मौतु न but this auxilary is not used before mi धातोरतरत इकाराष, and i is also joined to the roots, as भविसिसदि, करिस्सिदि इत्यादि ।
अवन्यां धातनिडोर्मध्ये भविष्यद्विषये ज्ज, ज्जा, स्या नां In the abanti jj or jja is used between afixes and roots in the future, as होज्नर, होनार, (भविष्यति) पैशाच्या भविष्यति ने 'एस्स' 'एवं' In the Paisachi essa. is substituted for the affix ti 3rd person singular in the future.
चपन से भविष्यदर्थ विषयस्य त्यादेः चासो वा भवति, कल्पसतिकामते शव। In the apabhransa ása is optionally substituted for afflxes in the future, according to kalpalatika isa is also substituted for them.
Aho ! Shrutgyanam