चतुर्थोधयायः ।
शब्द साधन विधिः ।
Declension of Nouns.
॥ साधारण नियमाः ॥ General rules.
(१) ॥ प्राकृते संस्कृतवत् त्रीण्येव पुंस्त्रीक्लीवाख्यानि लिङ्गानि सन्ति । येषां संस्कृतशब्दानां प्राकृते लिङ्गविपर्य्ययो भवति प्रथमाध्याये तद्वि
वेकः कृतः ।
Prákrita like the sanskrita has three genders, masculine, faminine. and neuter. We have in the first chapter laid down rules how sanskrita words change their gender in Prákita. (3) |
(२) ॥ प्राकृते द्विवचनं नास्ति ||
As stated in the first chapter, Prakrita has two numbers, singular and plural. The latter being also used in the place of sanskrita dual.
(३) प्राकृते षड्विभक्तयश्चतुर्थ्या श्रभावः ।
Prákrita has all the sanskrita cases except the da. tive which is replaced by the genetive.
(१) शौरसेन्यां भागधेयं पु ंसि ; The word Bhágadheya which is held neuter in general Prakita, is used in masculine in the Saurasení.
सुप्तिङ् लिङ्ग विभक्तीनां शाकार्य्यान्तु विपर्य्ययः । In the sákári dialect the change from sanskrit of the affixes denominated sup and tin and also of the genders and the cases, is most arbitrary.
Aho! Shrutgyanam