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same opinion as लोपो भवतीत्यनेन ज्ञापयति सूत्रकारो यथा उत्तर पदादिरनादिरेव ; Hemchandra declares that “ the initial letter of the last member of a compound word is considered as "non-initial"; केचित्त केचित् कस्य गत्वमेवे
छन्ति न तु लोपम् according to others instead of an elision, g is substituted for lo in many words, as एगत्तणं (एकत्व); एगो (एकः); अमुगो (अमुकः); आगारो (आकारः); श्रागरिमो (आकर्षः)। आर्षे अन्यदपि दृश्यते The Rishis allow substitution of any letter for any other letter, as 13:50 for याकुञ्चनं । १ __लोप इति निवृत्त We pass now from elision to substitution.
॥ नावात् पः॥ ४ अवर्णत् परस्थानादेः पस्य लुग् न भवति ।
When a non-initial p is preceded by abarna (ie a or a) it is not elided, as सवहो (शपथः) मावो (शापः)।
॥ अवर्ण यश्रुतिः ॥ ५ । ? In the sauraseni dialect ( Thai) d is substituted for t; walanifesa बजयित्वा तस्य स्थाने दोभवति as नादो (तातः); but in the words पताका व्याटत and गंभित are excepted as पडामा व्वावडो गभिणं and in the word (भरते तस्य धः) bharata dh is substituted for t as HTI and the elision of d is not generally allowed (दलोपः प्रायेण निषिद्ध :) as वदपां, सौदामिणी there are however exceptions (प्रायोग्रहणात कचिदस्य लोपोऽपि) as हिमञ्च (हदयं); मागध्यां छस्थस्थाने श्वो भवति in the māgadhi dialect sch is substituted for chh; तथा जघयोः स्थाने यः and y for j and gh ; and य लोपोन y is not elided. पैशाचां नदयोःस्थाने तो भवति In the paisaichit is substituted for both t and d हदयस्य हितपमिति रुपं भवनि the word hridaye assumes the form of hitapa.
Aho! Shrutgyanam