। अथ द्वितीयोधयायः ।
॥ खरादसंयुक्तस्थानादेः॥ १।१ अधिकारोऽयं । यदित ऊर्द्ध मनुक्रमिय्याम स्तत् स्वरात् परस्यासंयुक्तस्यानादेर्भवतीति वेदितव्यम् ।
This sútra being an Adhikara, will be implied in the succeeding Sútras. The rules here in after mentioned shall be taken to refer to a single consonant which does not stand at the begining of a word and has a vowel immediately preceding it.
॥ क, ग, च, त, द, प, य वा प्रायोलुक् ॥२।२। १ The corresponding sitra of Prakritaprakasa stands thus :-" अयक्तस्थानादौ" (प्राकृत प्रकाशे द्वितीयाध्यायस्य प्रथम सुचम्) the phrase "swarāt" i.e., immediately preceded by a vowel, is omitted there (नत्र खरादिति पदं नास्ति) “अबासंयुक्तस्येत्येवं कथनेनैव प्रयोजन-सिदि भवति तत् खरादिति पदं थेति न शङ्कितव्यम्" यवानुस्वारस्य पञ्चम वन जातस्तत्र परवर्ति नो ब्यञ्जनस्यासंयुक्तत्त्वात् लोपे प्राप्ते खरादित्यनेन निषेधः। The condition swarat may appear superfluous for the phrase asanyuktasya (of single consonant) serves the purpose.
But I have preferred to put down both as to exclude those cases where anuswara is not replaced by the fifth letter and cousequently the consonant which follows it is still a single one.
२। अपने नादृशानां क, ख, त, थ, प, फां ग, घ, द, ध, व, भा भवन्ति। In the A pabhransa the third and fourth letters of a barga are respectively substituted for the first and second of the same when not joined to any consonant &c. (see the sutra); पैशाच्यां नैषविधिः। तचतु ढतीयतूर्ययोः स्थान यथाक्रमं पथमद्वितीयौ। In the Paisachi the first and second letters of a barga is substituted for the third and fourth of the same respectively, as नगरं, नकर, भगवती फकवती।
Aho ! Shrutgyanam