Part 1)
OF उत्तराध्य य न सूत्र
PALI CANONICAL BOOKS, By Prof. P. V. BAPAT, M. A.; Fergusson College ; Poona.
It is now admitted by all that Maha- their expression of several common vir or Vardhaman who is commonly thoughts We shall illustrate one colled Nigantha Nataputta in Bhddhistic works was a contemporary of (i) A MONK'S GENERAL CONDUCT. Gotama Buddha. In Pali Literature of the Buddhist we actually get references
He should be patient and should to six philosophical teachers who wero return
return no evil words even when he is contemporaries of Gotama, of whom spoken in harsh words-- Nigantha Nataputta is one. (see Digh 2, for fuga VITUOI 29-30 ). It is no wonder then that
सरिसो होई बालाणं तम्हा भिक्रबू न संजले ।। they should be influenced by one anothers' philosophical conceptions, reli
(300 II, 24 ) gionis doctrines and ideals of conduct as सोसाणं फरसा भासा दारुणा गामकंटया । well as by the manner and method of तुसिणीओ उवेहेज्जा न ताओ मण सीकरे ।। their expression. In this short essay
(ibid II, 25 ) wo mean to trace out such similarities of thought and expression in Prakrit books
हओ न संजले भिक्खु मणं पिन पओसए । of Jainas and Buddhist. As for the for- तितिक्खं परमं नचा भिक्खुधम्म विचिंतए ।। her we shall restrict ourselves to the
समण संजयं दन्तं हणेजा को वि कत्थइ । first Mulsutra of the Jainas--the Uttara. dhyayana
नस्थि जीवस्स नासोत्ति एवं पहिज संजए ।। We shall consider these parallelisms
(ibid II, 26-27) from two points of view--that of matter
We find a similar idea expressed in and manner.
the following.-- I. As for the first we may say that there aro striking similarities in the Jain
पठवीसमो नो विरुज्झति इन्दरमालपम्गे तादि सुब्बतो ।
Bar and Buddhistic descriptions of a TEOST TahHT #ART Pagal monk's behaviour, his attitude to
( 77T 16 ) wards woinan conception of a Brahinin importance of self-control, and at g rafra fazer a fa ta!
Aho I Shrutgyanam