लॉजिक फोर दी मालीज.
This is an instance of the whole
[ Whole and part 1 and part tpye. Its amplified form 14. There are no potent rain-bearing would be :--
clouds here, because it is not raining All heated bodies are not cold. A here. steam boiler is a heated body when a
[Effect to cause.] fire is burning in it.
15. There is no smoke in this place, Therefore, a steam boiler when a fire because there is no fire here. is burning in it is not cold. ]
[ Cause of effect.] 8. This woman is not barren, because 16. It will not be Sundy to-morrow, she has a grandchild (which is the effect because it is not Saturday to-day. of the antithesis of female barrenness ). [ Antecedent to consequent. 1 Effect to cause, antithetical.]
17. It was not Monday yesterday, 9. This man is not happy, because because to-day is not Tuesday. he has present in him the causes of [Consequent to antecedent. ] misery (the opposite of happiness ). 18. The right hand pan of this pair
[ Cause to effect, antithetical]. of scales is not touching the beam, be10. Tomorrow will not be a Sunday, cause the other one is on the same level because it is Friday to day.
with it. [Antecedent to consequent, antithetical.]
[ Concomitance. ] 11. Yesterday was not a Friday, be- Contradictory affirmation:
19. This animal is suffering from [Consequent to antecedent, antithetical] some disease, because it has not got
12. This wall is not devoid of an out- the appearance of health. side, because it has an inside.
[Effect to cause. ] Concomitance, antithetical.]
20. This woman is feeling unhappy. Non-contradictory negative :
because she has been forcibly separated 13. There is no oak in this village, from her lover. because there is no tree in it.
[ Cause to effect, antithetical. ]
11. it is Tuesday to day antithetical]
some disease.ce of health.
Aho I Shrutgyanam