जैन साहित्य संशोधक.
[ खंड १
you account for the unerring accuracy of his inference in this matter? Is it not that there is inherent in the human mind a natural capacity for valid deduction independently of a school or collegiate education?
Well, this is what may be termed natural logic which, as you see, is a very simple thing. Compared with this the modern system of logic which forms part of the higher education that is imparted only to advanced students, is but a bundle of artificial forms and formulae. It is cumbersome and too much loaded with technicalities, definitions and diagrams which only go to confuse the mind and confound the sense. Besides, it is meant only for a certain class of college students, is learnt with difficulty and is productive of no practical good outside. Natural logic, on the other hand, is a practical function of life, and, therefore, natural to every man, woman and child. It only requires the drawing of attention to a few principles which can be understood and mastered by any one in a short time. There is certainly nothing in the nature of an impossibility in its principles to place it beyond the reach of the moderately intelligent man in the street. How quickly one masters this branch of practical learning, depends on the way it is imparted to men. Certainly, their failure, if any, is to be laid at the door of their instructor.
It would be out of place to compare in detail the method advocated here with what is taught as logic in our colleges, but it is well-known that the highest achievement of artificial logic is the possession of a set of rigid diagrams and forms which it applies to each and every proposition to test its formal validity quite irrespective of the question whether the statement of fact or facts involved in its premises be, in reality, true or not. The least advantage to be derived from natural logic, on the contrary, is the acquisition of what may be termed the logical turn of mind that seeks to discover and establish actual relations among things and the true principles of causation of events in nature. The highest gain from this system of natural deduction must, consequently, imply a complete mastery over the empire of nature for our individual and racial good.
It only remains to be said that logic is the one science which is the crown of glory of Intellectualism. It is highly practical, useful in every department of learning and the sweetener of life. It was logic which was truly the source of undying fame to the ancient rishis and philosophers of our land; and it is logic whose neglect has reduced us to the lowest level of existence to day. It is, therefore, the duty of every true well-wisher of India and Indians, as well as of the entire human race, to spread the knowledge of this most important science amongst men; and most certainly it should be taught to our boys and girls in their child-hood to impart to them that logical attitude which is the source of all auspiciousness and good.
Hardoi, 22nd August 1920.
Aho! Shrutgyanam