[ Vol. 1
od Oriental Resear
they give evidence to that is to say,
It is a matter of great joy to learn understanding of the ancient History that we, the Jains, who had practically of India. ignored the morden method of Histori- Prof. H. Jacobi writes, " The records cal Research, have after all realised its of the Buddhists and Jains about the value and are now prepared to apply it philosophical ideas current at the time of to the probleins connected with the his- the Buddha and Mahavira,meagre though tory of our religion. Fortunately, the they be, are of the greatest importance European Scholars have already made to the historian of that epoch." a start in this direction, the results of Prof. Rhys Davids remarks, “ But which are scattered in various books they (i. e. Jain records ) are none the and articles devoted to Oriental Resear less historically important, because ch, not an inconsiderable number of they give evidence of a stage less which are written. in languages other cultured, more animistic, that is to say, than English, viz, German, Italian and earlier. And incidentally they undoubt. French, Still there is much left for usedly will be found as the portions to do.
accessible already show, to contain a I think it will not be out of place large number of inportant references here to point out what work the world to the ancient geography, the political urgently demands of us. This work divisions, the social and economic condivides itself into two classes--archæo- ditions of India at a period hitherto logical and Scriptural.. The nature very imperfectly understood." and scope of the former class of work Prof. V. A. Smith says, "The sacred have been very ably and clearly set books of the Jain sect, which are still forth by the Late Prof. V. A. Smith in very imperfectly known, also contain his appeal read at the Literary Con numerous historical statements and serence of the Jains " held at Ajmer in allusions of considerable value," 3 1914. In support of the late professor's The authenticity of our scripture has appeal I may state that, according to been established by Prof. G. Buhler. our Doctrine, the restoration of an old Some thirty years ago, a large number, temple, image or manuscript brings a of inscriptions on the pedestals of greater reward than the production of Jain statues were discovered at Maa new one. This belief inculcates Arch: thura. Most of them are dated from the æological Research as a religious duty upon us.
1 Sacred Bools of the East, Vol. XLV The second class of work which
P. XXVII. mainly deals with Literature has 2. Buddhist India 1903 p. 163. many lines. Before proceeding to 3. Early History of India 1914 p. 10. them, I shall show how impor. 4. Vienna Oriental Journal Vols I-IV tant our literature is for a proper Epigraphia Indica Vols 1-11.
Aho I Shrutgyanam