VOL. 1. ]
April 1920.
[ PART 1
یه بره سی به سورة مرة فيه وه به بیا نی مر تا به امروز یه مرد جوان به ماده ی به
در نیو می بره ای به ته وه
که می بینی های حمیده میة مجموعة فية بية بره که به بره بيامة نبيه يه و تیره ایی را ک
By Dr. S. K. BELVALKAR, M. A. PH, D.,
Professor of Sanskrit, Deccan College, Poona. My paper on the Undercurrents of Lord Mahavira is regarded as the Jainism contributed to the July 1917 last of the Tirthankaras, which means issue of the Indian Philosophical that the Jain religion was not founded Review has given rise to a good deal by him in the sense in which Lord of stir and opposition which has expres- Gautama founded Buddhism. And yet sed itself in critical notices published Mahavira must have played an importin several Magazines as also in private ant part in the history of Jainism: else and friendly letters. It has therefore we could not account for the great become necessary for me to re-state my reverence in which his name is univerposition, which seems to have been sally beld. A religion like Jainism with somewhat misunderstood. Another a history spreading over centuries cânpaper on the Post-Upanishadic Thought- not be supposed to have remained ferment which I read some time ago absolutely impervious to its changing before the Poona Literary Club forms and chequered environment. No relithe needed preliminary to the paper on gion-neither Christianity nor BrahmanJainism; and a critic of mine who was ism-has remained ever the same, inclined to condemn my paper on Jain whatever the strictly orthodox view ism had the goodness to confess that might choose to maintain. The first ques the other paper has been to him an tion then is to determine the precise"eye-opener.." In what follows I am service and contribution of Mahavira to attempting to re-state my position in Jainism. This contribution of course regard to Jainism, which aspires to be must be important and sufficiently disstrictly impartial and consistent with tinctive." ** the requirments of a genetic or histori- Lord Mahavira was an elder contemcal study of philosophy.
porary of the Buddha and their
tial and consistures to be must be.im This contribution of avira to
Aho I Shrutgyanam