संपादकीय विचार.
Jain community. Pravartaka Shri रुपयेका दान करनेका संकल्प कर थोडे ही समयमें Kantivijayaji in conclusion urged upon वह द्रव्य समर्पण किया चाहते हैं। यह बात इस the audience to do their utmost to help the noble cause, which was of more
He इन्स्टीट्युटके लिये आरंभ ही में मंगल समान है। spiritual significance than the mere accumulation of commercial gains. भाविमहत्ताका सचन होता है। अतएव आशाह
It is unnecessary to recount here the various ups and downs which our nege कि यह खबर यहां पर उपस्थित सब सज्जनोंको otiations with the Jain community had खुशी दिलानेवाली होगी। to pass through, raising at times high hopes of our being immediately able to The following are the terms of the secure Rs. 25 or even 50 thousand that agreement that passed between the the community thought they would con- Working Committee, and the Secretáty tribute, and at another time making us Jain Conference: dispair of being able to collect for all 1. Should the Jain Committee agrée this ado even Rs. 5,000. Suffice it to to contribute a sum of Rs. 25,000 (twen. say, that, thanks to the energy and un- ty-five thousand ) as free donatioti to tiring efforts of Muniraj Jinavijayji, the the Institute, the Institute would in Jain community empowered him on the return occasion of our first Anniversary (6th (a) give the individual donors the July 1918) to make the following anno- usual privileges of Life-members, uncement:
Benefactors, Vice-Patrons or Patrons मान्यवर प्रमुख महोदय, और अन्य सभ्यवृन्द, .
according to the amount of their contribution;
(b) inscribe on a tablet the names of
individual donors of Rs. 10,000 (ten करनेका मुख्य उद्देश्य, भारतीय साहित्यका सं.
thousand) or more, should the donors शोधन और प्रकाशन करनेका है । भारतीय साहि- so wish it ;
(c) agree to devote a due proportके साहित्यका समावेश होता है। इस संस्थाका ion (about sti
ion (about th) of such sums as might
be available for publication to the pubआदर्श जातीय और धार्मिक भेदभावकी दृष्टिसे lication of Jain works; and
(d) set apart ths of the net Ale सम्मान्य संचालक महाशयोने कुछ समय पहले जैन proceeds of the Jain works so published
for Jain purposes exclusively. समाजके कतिपय गृहस्थोंके साथ इस संस्थाके 2. Should the Jain Community agree बारेमें कुछ ज्ञातव्य बातें कही थीं और जैनसमाजको to further contribute an additional sum
of Rs. 25,000 (twenty-five thousand)
the Institute undertakes to दिखलानेके लिये निवेदन किया था। मुझे कहनेके "
(a) erect, with the money thus made लिए हर्ष होता है कि जैन समाज इस संस्थामें available, one of the side-halls (estiअपनी हार्दिक सहानुभूति प्रकट करती है और mated to cost about Rs. 30,000 ) and
name it suitably in consultation with
the donor (should there be only one सज्जन इस इन्स्टीट्युट को सहायतार्थ २५ हजार such) or the Jain Association ; or
Aho! Shrutgyanam