It would be most appropriate to give here an excerpt from Reality, the English translation of Achārya Pujyapāda’s Sarvārthasiddhi' - a commentary on Achārya Umāsvami’s ‘Tattvārthādhigama Sūtra’(p. 290):
This exposition of ultimate reality, the essence of the supreme and immortal teachings of Lord Jina, called Sarvārthasiddhi by the learned, deserves to be contemplated incessantly by the venerable, seeking celestial happiness and eternal bliss. Those who listen to and study with devotion this great commentary, describing the true nature of reality, have in their palms the final beatitude of supreme attainment. What, then, is there to be said about the happiness of the lords of men and of devas! I bow with great devotion to Lord Mahavira, who has expounded the entire reality with his infinite knowledge in an indisputable manner, who is endowed with supreme attributes, and who is worshipped by human beings and
The idea is that it is considerably easy to secure these ephemeral goals rather than the ultimate goal of the ambrosial happiness of supreme bliss.