पुरुषार्थसिद्धयुपाय 124. At the outset, wrong belief (mithyātva), the cause of delusion in the substances (tattvas), and the four passions (anger, pride, deceitfulness, and greed) of the first order (anantānubandhi - leading to endless mundane existence), which rob one of right faith, should be got rid of.
प्रविहाय च द्वितीयान् देशचरित्रस्य सन्मुखायातः । नियतं ते हि कषायाः देशचरित्रं निरुन्धन्ति ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (द्वितीयान् च) द्वितीय कषाय - अप्रत्याख्यानावरण क्रोध, मान, माया, लोभ - इन चार कषायों को भी (प्रविहाय ) छोड़ देने से (देशचरित्रस्य) एकदेश चारित्र के (सन्मुखायातः) सन्मुख होते हैं अर्थात् एकदेश चारित्र को धारण करते हैं (हि) क्योंकि (ते कषायाः) वे चारों कषाय (नियतं) नियमरूप से (देशचरित्रं ) एकदेश चारित्र को (निरुन्धन्ति) रोकते हैं।
125. Then, so as to approach the stage of partial right conduct, the four passions of the second order (apratyākhyāna - hindering partial abstinence) should be got rid of. These second order passions, as a rule, hinder the attainment of partial right conduct.
The sixteen classes of passions (kaşāyas) Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
The passions are four, viz, anger, pride, deceitfulness and greed. And each of these passions is subdivided into four classes that which leads to endless cycle of worldly existence owing to wrong faith, that which arrests even partial abstinence of the householder, that which arrests complete