what has been done in secret by a couple. Forgery is preparing false records prompted by others in order to cheat others, by affirming that one has said and done things which one has not. Misappropriation is taking for oneself gold and other things entrusted to one's care by anotherl.
The last is guessing others' thoughts by their posture, facial expression, etc., and proclaiming these out of envy etc. These are the five transgressions of the small vow of speaking the truth.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 207-208.
1 When a person deposits certain things with another, and later on takes less than what he had deposited, the other person confirms it and takes the rest for himself.
प्रतिरूपव्यवहारः स्तेननियोगस्तदाहृतादानम् । राजविरोधातिक्रमहीनाधिकमानकरणे च ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (प्रतिरूपव्यवहारः) चोखी वस्तुओं में उलट-फेर कर मिला देना, (स्तेननियोगः) चोरी का उपाय बताना, (तदाहृतादानम् ) चोरी का या अपहरण किया हुआ द्रव्य ग्रहण करना, (राजविरोधातिक्रमहीनाधिकमानकरणे च) राजा के नियमों का उल्लंघन करना, तथा थोड़ा देना व अधिक लेना, ये पाँच अचौर्यव्रत के अतिचार हैं।
185. Deceiving others with artificial or imitation goods, abetment of theft, receiving stolen goods, under-buying in a distorted state, and using false weights and measures, are the five transgressions of the vow of non-stealing.