अध्याय - 10 फल को वे दोनों ही भोगेंगे; अथवा न तो प्रकृति और न जीव पुद्गल द्रव्य को मिथ्यात्वरूप करता है, ऐसा मानने से पुद्गल द्रव्य को (मिथ्यात्व भाव का प्रसंग आ जाएगा); क्या वह वास्तव में मिथ्या नहीं है?
If you believe that karmic matter (of the nature of deluding karmas) makes the Self a wrong believer, then your belief amounts to attributing the non-conscious karmic matter the ability to create delusion in the Self. Or if you believe that the Self creates delusion in the physical substance, then your belief amounts to attributing wrong belief to the physical substance and not to the Self. If you believe that both, the Self and the nature of the karmic matter, create delusion in the physical substance, then they both must enjoy the fruits of their action. Further, your contention that neither the Self nor the nature of the karmic matter creates delusion in the physical substance will amount to attributing wrong belief to the physical substance; is it not really an erroneous belief?
कर्म ही कर्ता है, जीव नहीं, यह मिथ्या है -
कम्मेहि दु अण्णाणी किज्जदि णाणी तहेव कम्मेहिं। कम्मेहि सुवाविज्जदि जग्गाविज्जदि तहेव कम्मेहिं॥
कम्मेहि सुहाविज्जदि दुक्खाविज्जदि तहेव कम्मेहि। कम्मेहि य मिच्छत्तं णिज्जदि य असंजमं चेव॥