अध्याय - 10
infernal-, subhuman-, and human-beings. If the monks also believe that soul is the creator of six kinds of organic bodies (earth, water, fire, air, plants, and mobile beings), then there is no difference in the viewpoints of ordinary people and monks. In the opinion of ordinary people, Vişņu is the creator, and in the opinion of monks, soul is the creator. Thus, there seems to be no liberation for any of the two - ordinary people and monks – as they are ever engaged in the creation (karmic dispositions) of worlds-celestial, human, or infernal.
ज्ञानी की मान्यता -
ववहारभासिदेण दु परदव्वं मम भणंति विदिदत्था। जाणंति णिच्छयेण दु ण य मह परमाणुमेत्तमवि॥
___ (10-17-324)
(अज्ञानी जन) व्यवहार नय से 'परद्रव्य मेरा है' ऐसा कहते हैं और पदार्थ के स्वरूप को जानने वाले ज्ञानी जन तो जानते हैं कि निश्चयनय से इस संसार में परमाणुमात्र कुछ भी मेरा नहीं है।
From the empirical point of view, (the ignorant) people call the non-self substance as their own, but knowledgeable people, who know the real nature of substances, say that, in reality, even an atom of alien substance is not theirs.