अध्याय - 8
(Understanding of) the scriptures (Achārāng) is knowledge, (belief in) substances like jiva is faith, and (protection of) six kinds of organisms is conduct; this is the empirical point of view (vyavahāra naya).
Surely, the Self is knowledge, the Self is faith and conduct, the Self is renunciation, and the Self is stoppage of karmas, and yoga; this is the transcendental point of view (nischayanaya).
भावकर्म से रागादि परिणति
जह फलिहमणि विसुद्धो ण सयं परिणमदि रागमादीहिं । रंगिज्जदि अण्णेहिं द सो रत्तादीहि दव्वेहिं ॥
एवं णाणी सुद्धो ण सयं परिणमदि रागमादीहिं । गिज्जदि अण्णेहिं द सो रागदीहि दोसेहिं ॥
जैसे स्फटिक मणि विशुद्ध है, वह स्वयं लाल आदि वर्ण रूप से परिणत नहीं होती; परन्तु वह अन्य लाल आदि वर्ण वाले द्रव्यों से लाल आदि रूप परिणमन करती है। इसी प्रकार ज्ञानी (आत्मा स्वयं तो) शुद्ध है। वह रागादि रूप स्वयं परिणमन नहीं करता; परन्तु वह अन्य रागादि दोषों से राग रूप परिणमन करता है।
Just as a crystal, which is pure, does not alter its colour by itself, but when in proximity with coloured (like red) objects, seems to acquire red tinge, similarly the knowledgeable Self is pure, and does not acquire modifications like attachment by itself. But due to dispositions like attachment, its purity gets tainted.