patet (foc) TUAIRI
Upādhyāyas (religious teachers)
( 29-32) Next in rank to Áobārgas come Upadhyayag (religious teachers) whose holinese is adorable, who are profioient in the art of teaching Agamas ( religious scriptures ) including Angas (original scriptures) and Up&ogas ( subsequently composed religious scriptures);
Who give proper instruction in lessons, who impart good teaching, who revise the course formerly taught to their students, who give them proper impetus in their studies and contrive to purify and extend the scope of their conduot;
Wbo explain, and expatiate on the real and true meaning (of things), who look brilliant with their approved bebaviour, who are always prepared to accumulate and imbibe fresh items of knowledge;
Who just represent, so to say, & place where knowledge is freely distributed (like water to the thirsty ), who are the garden of flowers in the form of virtues, who point out the path leading to the welfare of the people-such saints of high learning are upādhyayas.
Fra: 1
साधुः साध्नोति कल्याणं साधुः साधुर्जगत् प्रति ।। साधुर्यस्य मनः साधु वचनं चरितं तथा ॥३३
કલ્યાણ સાધે તે સાધુ. બધા પ્રત્યે સાધુ તે સાધુ. જેનું મન, વચન 240 241278 ay aay. ( 33 )
Ahol Shrugyanam