अर्हसिद्धास्तथाऽऽचार्या उपाध्यायाच साधवः । दर्शनं ज्ञानचारित्रे तपो नवपदीरिता ॥१॥
અહંન, સિદ્ધ, આચાર્ય, ઉપાધ્યાય, સાધુ, દર્શન, જ્ઞાન, ચારિત્ર અને તપ से नवपही छे. (१)
(1) Arhats (Superior divinities), Siddhas (the Emancipated or Accomplished), Acharyas (high spiritual guides or preceptors), Upadhyayas (spiritual teachers), Sadhus (saints), Darshana (right faith, vision, attitude, perception or understanding), Jnana (right knowledge),Charitra (right conduct) and Tapa (austerities or penances)-these are (according to Jainism) nine Padas (holy subjects).
This tract ( महात्मविभूति ) is translated into English by Mantial Dolateband Shan, B, A., LL, B., Retired Assistant Judge Baroda State and President of the Working Committee of Shri Henachandracharya Jaina Library and Pathashala, Patan.
Aho! Shrutgyanam