pool of misery. He should rise head and shoulders above his passions and should not be allured by such veritable foes.
He writes in his ' अज्झत्ततत्तालोम' ( अध्यात्मतस्वालोक ): "He who is the conqueror of his mind is the conqueror of the world (fgame ). They are quite successful who have manifested the high flame of calm equality in the terrible wild forest of passions." The riches of the world roll at the feet of that person who has well preserved at. Veerya, when preserved, serves as a masterkey to open the realms of Divine Bliss and to obtain all sorts of higher achievements in life. Servitude to senses is the sure way to degradation. Therefore in this booklet Muni Mahārāja lays down golden rules for attaining perfect bliss for youths who are easily led astray by the wild and venomous passions. Muni Shree has touched the right chord by advising the students to get over the miseries of mundane life and attain health, strength, peace of mind, endurance, bravery, material progress, psychic advancement, clear brain, gigantic will-power, bold understanding, retentive memory, abundant energy and power to face difficulties in daily battle of life through the preservation of Veerya.
To conclude, this little book will surely serve a fountain of inspiration to all. I earnestly request all young men & women to go through this book conscientiously.
Lastly, I have to express my gratitude to Muni Shree Nyayavijayaji for his kindness in entrusting me with the work of translating this important work in English.
Khambballa (Kathiawar), July, 1941.
G. P. Rindani B. A. Sans. Teacher, G V. J. HighSchool, Khambhalla
Aho! Shrutgyanam