This is the very reason why the great Jain charya Haribhadra Suri had to write thus (in his Shāatravärtānamuobobaya, Chapter III)
"mSuara acara ga: @art: 1
arraguan Tere Jal" # 311 ( laasmuch as some have respect for the statement "God is the Creator," I have, with a view to be egrecable to them, modelled my preaching in consonance with the idea of God being the Creator. +)
Here in this connection I should emphatically and without any hesitation, assert my conviction that it is meritorious conduct mainly that elevates life. Sectional beliefs and rituals may aid the process if they are properly understood and applied in the direction of facilitating it (i. e, the process). But it they are not properly used or applied to the purpose for which they are meant, they are very likely to create diagension, and disorders among the various communities. The proper application of sectional beliefs and rituals consists in making their use as an aid to the formation and strengthening of good character or conduct. Hence it follows that sectional beliefs and rituals, by themselves mean nothing if they are misapplied in our daily dealings with our fellow beingy. They should not, on any account, be made ground for quarrelling with others, even though they (poople) may like to adhere or stick to their own creeds or rituals. One may believe in God or soul, and another may not. It is immaterial what a man professes to believe, if he firmly adheren to right conduct which alone enables a man to raise himself to the pinnacle of highest bliss,
--NYAYAVIJAYA + The attribution by Jaināchārye Haribhadra Suri, of Creativeness to God, is only metaphorical. His verses in the Shastravarta-Samuchchaya. third Stabaka, are thus
ईश्वरः परमात्मैव तदुक्तवतसेवनात् । यतो मुक्तिस्ततस्तस्याः कर्ता स्याद् गुणमावत: ॥ ११ ॥ तदनासेवनादेव वत् संसारोऽपि तत्त्वतः ।
तेन तस्यापि कतवं करप्यमानं न दुष्यति ॥ १२ ॥ (The Supreme Soul is God whose teachings being put into practice, a person gets Emapoipation; hence God may bo by way of metaphor, spoken of as the giver (af) of that (that person's ) Emancipation. And one who has not followed the virtuous path laid down by Him, has to wander in the transmi gratory cycle; so this wandering or miserable state may be regarded as the result of or punishmenl for doviation from His good and auspicious moral advice. )
Ahol Shrutgyanam