This little work, giving in a nut-shell instruction beneficial to life, wilt in my humble opinion, be usoful not only to a student. but also to a general reader who will find it as affording easy. simple and instructive reading.
Those who do not believe in the existence of God, would not be inclined logically to reconcile themselves with the matter laid down here, relating to devotion or prayer to God. But in truth, man is imperfect and helpless and very often surrounded by distressful circumstances, and for this reason, when he is actually confronted with adverse circumstances and becomes conscious of his helplessness, he is naturally inclined or disposed to imagine or postulate the existence of some inviable supernatural Power capable of giving protection and reliel. 30 that he can have resort to Him to be freed from distress or danger. Even an out-and-out Nāstika (atheist) is shaken in his atheistic attilude at the approach of adversities which he cannot avoid or remove by his own efforts, and then, even sach a man seeks shelter of sorat imperceptible One (some powerful anvisible Being) and requests Him for his emancipation from miseries. His alllisted heari, at that time, cries up that whatever may be the Supernatural Power, may save him from his miserable state. Thus. in every buman heart exists a tendency towards God directly or indirectly; and I consider that no haman heart is possible to be destitute of such tendency.
The belief in the existence of God is, in my humble opinion, useful; its utility lies in the tact tbat it affords consolation to the mind, bestows satisfaction upon the heart and gives inspiration to the spirit. Its utility vanishes if and when, under the spell of this belief, a man becomes indolent and inactive." Heaven helps those who help Themselves" is an adage which shesald never be lost sight of under any circumstances if the belief is to be properly utilised. The faith in the existence of God, when properly used, tends to raise high hopes and ambitions, encourages and inspires the mind. paves the way to spiritual reflections, banishes pride and arrogance and instills modesty and humility. It ( the faith) makes its holder fearless inasmuch as he feels bimself always under the protection of God.
Now I turn to Bolber aspect of the question. There are people who do not believe in the existence of
Ahol Shrutgyanam