1. Nyavapravesa, the earliest work on Buddhist logie, by Dinnaga, with commentaries of Haribhadrasuri aud Parsvadeva, edited by A. B. Dhruva, M. 4. LL B., Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Hindu Uni versity, Benares. Shortly.
Sadhanamale. Vol, II, edited by Benoytosh Busitacharyyn M. A. General Editor, Gackrad's Oriental Beries Illustrated.
3. Natyasastra on dramatargy, by Bharats with commentary by Abhinavagupta of Kashanir; edited by M. Ramakrishna Kavi, M. A. Illustrated. 4 vols.
4. Kalpadrumakosa, a standard work on Banskrit Lexicography, edited by Pandit Ramavatars Burma Sahityacharya, M. A.
5. Manavagrihyasutra, a work on Vedic ritual (domestic) of the Yajurveds with the Bhashys of Ashtavakra, edited by Pandit Ramakrishna Harshaji with Introduction by Prof. B. C. Lele,,
6. Apabhiramsakavyatrayi, consisting of three works, the Charchari, Upadesarasayana and Kalasvarupakulaka by Jinadatta Buri (12th century) with commentaries, edited by L. B. Gandhi.
Vol, II,, edited by G.
7. Manssollass or Abhilashitarthachintamani.
K. Shrigondekar,
A Descriptive Catalogue of M88 in the Jain Bhandars at Pattan edited from the notes of the late Mr. C. D. Dalal, M. a. by Pandit L. B. Gandhi, 2 vols.
3. Mirat-i-Ahmadi with its Khatimae or supplement, by Ali Maham mad Khan, the last Moghul Dewan of Gujarat, edited in the original Persian by Byed Nawabali wa, Professor of Persian Baroda Collego. 2 vols.
"Aho Shrut Gyanam"