24, Tautrarahasya , a work on the prabhakara gilool of porsamimamsa,
by Ramanujacharya, edited by Dr. R. shamasas!ry, 1929, ... 1.8 25. Samarangana , a work on Architecture, town planning and engineer,
ing by king Bhoja of Dhars (uth century) pdited by Miahamaho.
padhyaya T. Ganapati Sastry, Ph. I), etc. 2 vols, Vol. 7. 1924 3-0 20. gadhanamala, Buddhist Tantrie text of rituals, lated 1165 A. 1),
consisting of more than 800 small works composed by distingnished writers'editcaib Penoytosh Bhattacharyya, M. A., General Editor,
Gaekwad's Oriental Series, 2 rols, vol. I 1925 ... 5.0 27. A Descriptive Catalogue ni Mss in the Central Library Barods
Vol. I (Veda. Vedalakshana and Upanishads), complied by G. K.
Shrigondekar. M. A. and K, S. Ramaswami sair1925. ... 6-0 28. Mannsnllasa or Abhilashitarthachintamani, anneyclopaedic work
divided into one hundred chazıters treating of one hundred different topics by, somesparadera, a ChalnkyKing of the 12th century:
edited by G. K. Shrigondekar, m. A. 2 vols-Pol. 1. 1923. ... 2.8 29, Nalavilasa , a drama by Ramachandra Suri, pupil of Ilemachandra
suri, describing the Pauranie story of Ysla an! Damayanti; edited by
Messrs G. K. Shrigondekar, M. A. and LD. Gandli 1921. (Shortly) 30. Tattvasangraba , a Buddhist philosophieai work of the 8th century
by Sântarakshita a Professor at the Nalanda University, with Panjika (commentary) by his disciple Kamalasila, also a Professur in Nalanda (about 750 A, D.): edited by Pandit Embar Krishnama. cbarya 2 vols, 1925
.. ..
(Shortly) 31. Adyayarajrasangraha ; consisting of tweniy short works on Buddhist
philosophy by Advayavajra, & Buddhist savant belonging to the 11th century A-D, edited by Mahanahopadhyaya Pandit Harapragad
shastri, M. A', C. 1. E', 1. A. 3, R. etc. 92. samarangana , & work on Architecture, town planning and engineer.
ing by king Bhoja of Dhara (lith century edited by Mahamado. padhyaya T, Ganapati Sastri, Ph. D. etc, 2 rols, vol II, 1925
"Aho Shrut Gyanam