It may be asker uest why the poet ha: 11: described the method of constructing the machines. The poet himself answers thus:
यन्त्राणां घटना नोक्ता 10 Alfaraaa ! तत्र हेतुरयं शेयो
5487 at 9.990: " (Vol. I, P. 175) The meaning of the line. 24 à fazr is, in case the methois are revealed in the work, then every one not initiated in the art by the preceptor will try to construct the machines and the atteinpt made by such a person may not cnly not achieve success but bring about troubles and difficulties. The followiny sloka contains the qualifications necessary for constructing the machines: -
पारम्पर्य कौशलं सोपदेश TENISITI TE IH 51: सामग्रीयं निर्मला यस्य सोऽस्मि
suzluqa ale ani 4 l) (Vol. I, P. 170) It is also not mean s , in the case of highly useful machines, tu keep inrevealesi ile methods of constructing them.
T. Ganapati Sastri.
"Aho Shrut Gyanam"