अध्याय - ७
Doubt in the teachings of the Jina, desire for worldly enjoyment, repugnance or disgust at the afflicted, admiration for the knowledge and conduct of the wrong believer, and praise of wrong believers, are the five transgressions of the right believer.
व्रतशीलेषु पञ्च पश्च यथाक्रमम् ॥२४॥
[व्रतशीलेषु ] व्रत और शीलों में भी [ यथाक्रमं] अनुक्रम से प्रत्येक में [ पञ्च पश्च] पाँच-पाँच अतिचार हैं।
There are five, five transgressions respectively for the vows and the supplementary vows.
बन्धवधच्छेदातिभारारोपणानपाननिरोधाः ॥२५॥
[बन्धवधच्छेदातिभारारोपणान्नपाननिरोधाः] बन्ध, वध, छेद, अधिक भार लादना और अन्न-पान का निरोध करना - ये पाँच अहिंसाणुव्रत के अतिचार हैं।
Binding, beating, mutilating limbs, overloading, and withholding food and drink.