अध्याय - ६
निश्शीलव्रतत्वं च सर्वेषाम् ॥१९॥
[निःशीलव्रतत्वं च ] शील और व्रत का जो अभाव है वह भी [ सर्वेषाम्] सभी प्रकार की आयु के आस्रव का कारण
Non-observance of the supplementary vows, vows, etc. causes the influx of life-karmas leading to birth among all the four kinds of beings (conditions of existence).
दैवस्य ॥२०॥
[ सरागसंयमसंयमासंयमाकामनिर्जराबालतपांसि ] सरागसंयम, संयमासंयम, अकामनिर्जरा और बालतप [ दैवस्य] ये देवायु के आस्रव के कारण हैं।
Restraint with attachment, restraint-cum-nonrestraint, involuntary dissociation of karmas, and austerities accompanied by perverted faith, cause the influx of life-karma leading to celestial birth.
सम्यक्त्वं च ॥२१॥