Hemachandra and the conversion of King Kumarapala-Hemachandra had, however, coniplete sway over Siddharâja's successor, Kumarapala. 'i'he work begun by Hemachandra in Siddharâja's time was com. pleted in the reign of Kumârapala. Siddharâja only favoured Jainism but it was during the reign of Kumarapala that Jainism was adopted as the religion of the State. Kumârapâla took the twelve vows of a Jaio layman and stopped the practice of the killing of animals throughout his kingdom and also the territories of his tributaries. He erected many big temples throughout his kingdom. The practice of confiscating the property of those dying heirless was also abolished and gambling, drinkiug, flesh-eating, stealing, and adultery were prohibited by royal edicts.
Hemachandra's Literary work. Hemachandra was, however, more known to the literary world through his literary works. He was an encyclo. pædic author and his writings are said to have amounted to three crores and a half verses, His first work was Siddha-Hema Sabdânusâsana in eight chapters composed at the request of Siddarâja to commemorate his name. Hemchandra himself wrote a big commentary on this work, commonly called Ashtadasa Sahasrî, and a Nyasa amounting to 84,000 granthas. In order to illustrate the rules of the new grammar and also to sing the giory of the Chaulukya kings he composed a mahâkâvya named Dvyâśraya. The Prakrta portion dealing with Kumarapala's reign was added later on in Kumarapala's reign. The other aceessories to his grammar were also coniposed at the same time. The Abhidhanachintamani with Anekârtha Sangraha, Deśînâmamâlâ and Nigbantu, the Kavyânusâsana with the Viveka, the Chhandonusâsana, and the Pramâņamimâusa were also composed during Siddharâja's time. Thus the main part of his literary activity was done during Siddharâja's reign. The works composed in the reign of Kumarapala were of a religious nature. The Yogaśastra and the Vitarâgastutis were written for instructiog Kumârapala
2190 991% 9HTRITE THITHTHIRI छन्दोऽलङ्कतिचूडामणी च शाने विभुळधित ॥ एकार्थानेकार्था देश्या निर्धण्ट इति च चत्वारः । विहिताश्च नामकोशाः भुवि कवितानटयुपाध्यायाः ॥
युत्तरषष्टिशलाका नरेशव्रतगृहिव्रतविचारे । अध्यात्मयोगशास्त्रं विदधे जगदुपकृतिविधित्सुः ॥ लक्षणसाहित्यगणं विदधे च द्वयाश्रयं महाकाव्यम् । चक्रे विंशतिमुच्चैः स वीतरागस्तवानां च ॥ इति तद्विहितग्रन्थसङ्खथैव हि न विद्यते । नामापि न विदन्त्येषां मादृशा मन्दमेधसः ।।
"Aho Shrutgyanam