आभाणकजगन्नाथ संस्कृतेन व्यवहारं चिकीर्षुणां साहित्यं रिरचयिषूणां च कृते रचिता
द्वाविंशत्यधिकत्रिशतोत्तरसहस्रं (१३२२) संस्कृताभाणका 1322 Proverbs in Samskrta
Proverbs in Samskrta Proverbs are coherent and lively documents of human experi
ences in succinct manner. These give vigor to language. Some proverbs are for shock treatment to the stupid ones. Some are drumbeats to the slumbering lethargic! Proverbs are strong pulses of folklore. Citing proverbs in daily conversation is age-old practice of people. Collection and study of these wonderful aphorisms are made several times in hundreds of languages of the world. We do not know original creators of these by name. But we do know modern authors by name who have produced proverbs afresh inspired by the old ones. Abhanaka
jagannatha, a compilation of new proverbs in Sanskrta is authored by S.Jagannatha, free thinker. This work is permeated with new maxims, imaginations, teeny-weeny sketches of author's own experience and imitation of old adages. The num
ber of proverbs is one thousand, three hundred and twenty two(1322). All proverbs are classified and arranged alphabetically in every classified group. Meanings of difficult words in
footnotes and introduction of proverbs are in Samskrta itself. Contents of the subjects are provided at the beginning. Alphabetical lists of-all the proverbs, subjects and the words shown in the footnotes-are given at the end for quick reference.
संभाषणे च रचने सांस्कृते जनताप्रियः ।
आभाणकजगन्नाथ: सृज्यान्मह्या महामुदम् ।। Price: Interest in modern Samskrta literature, making the Abhanakas by heart, using them in conversation as well writing.
Jagannatha jgrantha@gmail.com
संभाषणे च रचने सांस्कृते जनताप्रियः। आभाणकजगन्नाथः सृज्यान्मह्या महामुदम्।।